Monday, December 14, 2009

Letters To Jane

Below are a few letters we received from participants in the last Nutrition Challenge:

"The first couple of days were really rough, so it might be good to warn people.  :)

I felt like I learned some things that made it easier like:
- plan, plan, plan
- always have lots of good food on hand. I made poor choices when I didn't have any.
- expect to get negative feedback from friends + family

I've enjoyed getting to know more people at Janes and am really proud of the changes I've made. Thank you!"


"I am glad that there is a gym out there more interested and invested in health instead of vanity.  Not everything can be weighed on the scale and I appreciate your investment into showing us that eating in a very healthy way can improve overall well being.  I do feel a lot better and i think my performance is reaping the benefits."

Lynn H.

"I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for all the work you’ve put into the Challenge over the last six weeks. I found the nutritional information and recipes you provided extremely valuable.

During the last six weeks Lisa and I have made it a point to do our own cooking versus dining out.  We’ve even found some recipes that have now become some of our favorites.  I have found that my craving for unhealthy foods has dramatically increased and is especially present after workouts or days up in the mountains.

We’re looking forward to continue to transform our eating habits and taking the nutritional information to better our quality of life."

Thanks again,

"Overall, my commitment to diet correlates directly to the committment to my overall well being.   My payoff is in feeling great and being strong.  I have chosen to have an extraordinary commitment to my wellbeing.  No amount of working out will compensate for poor eating.   For success food and workout must be in line.  I know I need to keep workout and diet clearly in front of me daily.  If not, my default patterns show up.  My default patterns always move towards comfort.  Comfort for me is eating pastries and drinks with whipping cream at Starbucks :).  Growing up food always related to comfort and nurturing.  I am shifting paradigms with food now.  Food is directly related to keeping my body and mind strong and healthy - that's it!!  Food is medicine.   

This is a journey.  One where I will continue to learn and refine."

Darlene G